Apple announced some interesting new features at WWDC that will roll out with the software updates this fall. There was a definite emphasis on privacy, security, and, safety for this update. Let's take a look at a few of our favorites!

(Image Credit: Apple)
Live Voicemail
Not sure if you want to take that call? Live voicemail will allow you to see a transcription of a voicemail in real time, and you'll be able to pick up the call while the caller is leaving a message. The transcription is done on your device and Apple says it will "remain entirely private".
Private Browsing on Safari
Upgrades to the private browsing experience will now lock when not in use, so you can walk away from your computer without closing your private tabs. A password or fingerprint id will be required to get back into them.
Photo Privacy Permissions
A new Photo Picker will allow you to pick and choose which photos to share with an app. There will also be more information about why the app wants access, what data may be shared when you allow access, and how many photos and videos you would be giving access to.
Link Tracking Protection
Shared links often have extra information added to track users across other websites. With this update that extra information will be removed from links shared in Messages and Mail. Extra information will also be removed from Private Browsing links.
Communication Safety and Sensitive Content Warning
This feature currently warns kids if they are receiving or sending an image containing nudity. iOS 17 will expand this feature to videos and will work in AirDrop and Facetime. It will also work with the new contact poster feature. The Sensitive Content Warning for adult users will work much the same as the communication safety feature with the main difference being that this is optional and can be turned on in Privacy & Security settings.
This is not an exhaustive list, just the ones we thought were most interesting/useful. There are many more updates including an Airdrop type of experience for contact sharing, check-in, and more, across the whole ecosystem. If you want to check them all out you can click here.