Joe Biden wrote an op-ed recently, pushing for both sides to work together and create stricter regulations regarding how big tech companies collect, use, and share personal data.

This piece published by the Wall Street Journal indicates that substantial reform is in order, including changes to rules in Section 230, that currently absolve online platforms from legal liability for content posted by its users.
"The risks Big Tech poses for ordinary Americans are clear. Big Tech companies collect huge amounts of data on the things we buy, on the websites we visit, on the places we go, and, most troubling of all, on our children."
The article advocated for important provisions introduced last year in the bipartisan American Data Privacy and Protection Act such as limiting targeted advertising in general and banning it altogether for children. The bill also proposes raising the age threshold for special protection for minors from 12 to 16.
President Biden outlined what the regulations might look like, with safety measures to limit how companies can collect, use, and share information such as internet history, genetic and biometric info, location, and personal communications.
One of the biggest criticisms in the article was how big tech is exploiting personal data, and how its failure to moderate content promotes “extremism and polarization.” Also of note, was the reference to potential civil rights risks for women and minorities, although there were no specific examples of this in the article.
Biden also mentions the necessity of creating an even playing field for small and mid-size businesses, mom-and-pop shops, and entrepreneurs to be able to compete with larger companies saying we need "fairer rules of the road". He finishes the article by urging Congress to take action,
"We need bipartisan action from Congress to hold Big Tech accountable. We’ve heard a lot of talk about creating committees. It’s time to walk the walk and get something done....Let’s unite behind our shared values and show the nation we can work together to get the job done."